July 2, 2024
Companion Animal Arthritis

Understanding Arthritis in Pets: Causes, Symptoms, and Management

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a general term that refers to inflammation of one or more joints. It is one of the most common medical problems seen in dogs and cats. Arthritis can occur when the protective cartilage on the ends of bones wears down over time (osteoarthritis) or as the result of an injury, disease, or other problem that damages the joint.

Types of Arthritis

There are a few different types of arthritis that can affect companion animals:


By far the most common type seen in older dogs and cats, osteoarthritis is essentially “wear and tear” arthritis that occurs as the animal ages. As cartilage breaks down over many years, bones begin rubbing together causing pain, inflammation and stiffness. Weight-bearing joints like hips, knees, elbows are most typically involved.

Infectious Arthritis

Bacteria, viruses, fungi or other infectious agents can sometimes invade the joint space and cause destructive changes leading to arthritis. This is more commonly seen in younger Companion Animal Arthritis following an injury or other port of entry for organisms.Prompt treatment with antibiotics is needed.

Autoimmune Arthritis

The immune system mistakenly attacks the body’s own tissues in the joint. Common autoimmune forms include rheumatoid arthritis in dogs. Steroid and immunosuppressive drugs may help control symptoms.

Traumatic/Post-Injury Arthritis

Prior injuries, especially fractures near a joint, can lead to arthritis later in life as repaired cartilage and bones are more prone to wear down prematurely. Hip dysplasia is a type of trauma-induced arthritis.

Signs and Symptoms

The signs of arthritis can vary depending on which joint is affected but typically include some combination of the following:

– Lameness or stiffness – animals may walk stiffly or reluctantly after rest.

– Swelling – joints may appear larger or puffy due to inflammation.

– Pain – pets may vocalize or become aggressive if touch area.

– Reluctance to jump, play, climb stairs.

– Changes in gait or stance.

– Limited range of motion in the affected joint.

– Difficulty rising, limping.

Diagnosis and Treatment Companion Animal Arthritis

Veterinarians diagnosis arthritis based on a physical exam coupled with X-rays of the joints in question. X-rays show telltale bone changes like bone spurs, reduced joint space between bones.

Treatment focuses on managing pain and inflammation. Options may include:

– Prescription anti-inflammatory medications: Deracoxib, firocoxib, meloxicam, etc. are common drugs.

– Nutraceuticals: Glucosamine/chondroitin supplements are a natural approach.

– Weight management: Extra pounds put more stress on joints.

– Physical rehabilitation: Range-of-motion exercises, massage can help.

– Alternative therapies: Acupuncture, laser, hydrotherapy may provide relief.

– Joint surgery: In severe cases, a procedure like a total hip replacement could help.

Managing Arthritis at Home

While medication and therapies aim to minimize arthritis signs, daily care at home plays a big role too:

– Maintenance of a healthy weight helps reduce stress on joints.

– Provide soft, supportive bedding and avoid hard surfaces that cause pain.

– Use ramps or steps for getting in/out vehicles/furniture instead of jumping.

– Limit exercise or activity to short, controlled sessions to avoid overuse.

– Keep animals warm and muscles loose with clothing on cold days.

– Regular massage and range-of-motion exercises at home between vet visits.

– Avoid high impact activities and games that cause pain.

With proper management, companion animal arthritis patients can still lead active, happy lives thanks to new medications and therapies that relieve symptoms allowing our pets mobility and comfort at home as long as possible. Working closely with veterinarians is key to helping companion animals effectively cope with this chronic condition.

1. Source: Coherent Market Insights, Public sources, Desk research
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